Long-Term Pavement Performance Information Management System User Guide
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Abstract:This document provides information to aid in understanding and using the Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) program's Pavement Performance Database (PPDB), LTPP Traffic Analysis Software (LTAS) database, and contents of the Ancillary Information Management System (AIMS) and LTPP InfoPaveTM. This report describes the structure of the LTPP program, the relational structure of the LTPP PPDB, the location of various data elements, contents of data tables, tips on efficient means of manipulating data for specific types of investigations, and information on how to obtain data. This is the final updated version of this report. The LTPP InfoPave website is now the official public data dissemination mechanism for LTPP data. Over the years of updates to this report, contributing authors included Travis Thompson, Amy Simpson, Beth Visintine, and Peter Schmalzer.
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