Optimizing Field Data Collection & Developing Advanced GPR Processing Modules
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Edition:SPR-B Final Report (December 2017-December 2019)
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Abstract:Over the past several years Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) developed a Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) data collection plan for bridge decks. GPR data was collected and analyzed to monitor several hundred bridge decks. MDOT SHA worked with the Maryland Environmental Services (MES) and the University of Maryland (UMD) to develop new analysis modules for concrete delamination and HMA overlay condition and evaluate the feasibility of higher-speed protocols for SF-GPR data collection. A bridge deck condition assessment model (BDCAM) was developed to estimate the deck condition and condition state. Deck condition is defined based on a fuzzy model of the various levels of defect and deterioration of the deck. The UMD study concluded that the BDCAM model estimates agree with the NBI values for 90.9% of the 219 bridge decks analyzed within two levels of the condition scale. The comparison of BDCAM analysis with state inspection deck reports for eight bridges provided consistent conclusions for seven out of the eight cases, all in the “fair” category. The study also concluded that it is possible to increase the GPR data acquisition speed from 10 mph to 13 mph on driving lanes with low surface roughness (IRI less than 100).
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