Intermodal freight transportation planning using commodity flow data
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Edition:Final report
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Abstract:In this study, the 1997 Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) database was identified to be the most cost-effective and flexible database that can be used for conducting statewide freight transportation planning study. The CFS database, together with other related databases such as Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey (VIUS) and Cargo Density Database (CDD), was used in the study to describe freight flows coming into, going out, within and through the state of Mississippi. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) based transportation planning software TransCAD was used to model the transportation system performance. Based on the model from the base year study results, forecasts of future transportation demand for years 2005, 2010, and 2020 were made. The Virtual Intermodal Transportation Simulation (VITS) data were obtained from the commodity flow/truck trips model in TransCAD and other resources, and a prototype simulation model was developed. This model served as a demonstration of the capabilities of simulation as an effective tool to aid in the design, planning, and visualization of a transportation system in aspects not afforded by TransCAD or other traditional/conventional transportation planning tools. Performance measures implemented in the VITS were shown in several scenarios designed to bring into attention how a simulation model can reveal the impact of transportation decisions.
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