New Perspectives in Commuting: Based on Early Data from the 1990 Decennial Census and the 1990 Nationwide Personal Transportation Study (NPTS)
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Abstract:The U.S. Bureau of the Census has begun to release data obtained from the 1990 decennial census describing the journey to work of America's workers. These early data are in the form of broad summaries at the State and county level. They cannot provide the sophisticated insights that will be available when the highway detailed census statistics are produced for small units of geography, providing origin to destination flows. But they do provide an exciting introduction to who, what, and where we are in commuting as a Nation, as measured by the snapshot taken by the Bureau of the Census in April 1990, and where we have come from, judging by the 1980 and previous census reports. This document provides a first glimpse of the census material. It is not intended to be definitive. Rather, it seeks to call attention to some of the dramatic changes that have occurred in commuting across the Nation, and to identify some of these will be developed further as more detailed information becomes available.
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