U.S. Open Science Policy Perspectives & Transportation: Open Science in Transportation: Challenges and Opportunities in a COVID-19 Era
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Abstract:The presentation gives overview of Open Science policies and practices within the United States government, and how these relate to the COVID-19 pandemic, to date. While most of my examples will come from the Department of Transportation, discussion of government-wide activities and resources, including data.gov, is included.
This record includes 3 items: the MP4 video file (about 10 minutes of play time); the PowerPoint slide deck; and, a PDF of the slides in "Note page" format, which includes the speaker notes. Please see "Supporting Files" tab.
Content Notes:The presentation was give as part of the Transportation Research Board 2021 Annual Meeting, Workshop 1467 – Open Science in Transportation: Challenges and Opportunities in a COVID-19 Era, on 2021-01-21.
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