Asphalt Binder Cracking Device to Reduce Low-Temperature Asphalt Pavement Cracking: Final Report
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:As part of a national initiative sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration under the Highways for LIFE program, EZ Asphalt Technology was awarded a grant to refine the Asphalt Binder Cracking Device (ABCD) test method and conduct an interlaboratory study. This report documents the results of two interlaboratory studies that examined the ABCD’s precision and documents the modification of the ABCD procedure to achieve greater precision. The ABCD is an easy-to-use device for determining the overall low-temperature cracking potential of an asphalt binder. The report presents results of the ABCD interlaboratory study (ILS), a second ILS comparing use of the ABCD with Bending Beam Reflectometer (BBR) testing, and a third study that modified the ABCD testing procedure to improve precision of ABCD testing. Data from 23 laboratories participating in the ABCD testing are presented.
Results of the ABCD and BBR testing indicated that the precision estimates of ABCD cracking temperature and those of the BBR critical temperature were comparable. The No-Trim ABCD test procedure developed during the project is expected to improve the precision of ABCD test results
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