1998 Statistical Summaries: Federal Transit Administration: Grant Assistance Programs
By Grubb, N.
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Abstract:The 1998 Statistical Summaries provides information about the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) major financial aid programs for Federal Fiscal Year (FY) 1998. The report covers the following programs: Urbanized Area Formula, Non-urbanized Area Formula, Rural Transit Assistance Program, Elderly and persons with Disabilities, Capital, Interstate Substitution, Metropolitan Planning, State planning & research, Consolidated Planning Grants, and State Infrastructure banks. The data used in this report are compiled from the capital, operating, and planning assistance grants to transit authorities, states, planning agencies, and other units of local government. The Statistical Summaries report is organized into three main sections. The first section includes appropriations and budget authorities. This is followed by detailed obligation data for the current fiscal year. The final section includes summarized historical data. The organization of the historical data is as follows: all programs, which are summary tables including all programs; Program Summaries, which include area/state obligations by category (i.e. Bus, Fixed Guideway, New Start, Planning, Operating); Flexible Funds; and Vehicles. During the transition of this report to the new format, tables in the historical data section present data for different time spans. Eventually, this section will summarize data for the "past decade" and most tables will show a consistent 10-year period.
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