Mid-Region Metropolitan Planning Organization Scenario Planning Peer Exchange Workshop: Albuquerque, New Mexico June 27 - 28, 2013
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Abstract:This report documents a two-day scenario planning workshop held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, from June 27-28, 2013. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) sponsored the workshop, which was hosted by the Mid-Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MRMPO). Timothy Karpoff of Karpoff & Associates facilitated the first day of the event. The workshop introduced scenario planning to a wide range of stakeholders, including MRMPO staff and representatives of local, State, and Federal agencies; academic institutions; and private sector groups. Participants came from backgrounds such as transportation, land use, environmental protection, housing, and economic and community development. Approximately 75 participants attended the event. Appendix C lists the workshop attendees. MRMPO, the metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for New Mexico’s Albuquerque Metropolitan Planning Area (AMPA), serves approximately 900,000 people in three counties in central New Mexico. MRMPO is updating the region’s long-range transportation plan, the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), and plans to use scenario planning to inform the update. MRMPO requested the FHWA-sponsored workshop to learn how peer agencies have used scenario planning successfully and to learn about effective ways to implement the scenarios created.
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