1990 NPTS Databook: Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey [Volume II]
Alternative Title:1990 NPTS: Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey;1990 NPTS Databook: Volume II [cover title];
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Abstract:This report presents data on the amount, nature and characteristics of persona (non-commercial) travel by all modes of transportation in the U.S. The data is from a survey of individuals conducted throughout 1990. A large number of data relationships are presented and, therefore, the report is printed in two volumes. Volume I contains information of the survey itself, a comparison of estimates of miles of travel taken from different portions of the survey, data on households, drivers and vehicles, and an extensive chapter on person trips and person miles of travel by all modes of transportation. Volume II includes data on vehicle trips and vehicle miles of travel, journey-to-work trips, vehicle occupancy, long trips, commercial driving and highway accidents. To the degree possible, each chapter within the report is organized to present results in the order of: Person characteristics, household characteristics, trip characteristics, and temporal characteristics.
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