Shared Mobility Network for New York State
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Edition:Final Report (Oct. 2015 – Jan. 2019)
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Abstract:Over the course of the project, shared mobility programs have expanded to all corners of the State, thanks in part to the technical assistance provided by the contractor and project subcontractors at the Shared Use Mobility Center and Mobility Development Partners. These programs have been developed through a combination of public and private investment totaling over $7 million over the course of the project period. The private investments include industry investments in the growth of these programs, as well as sponsorships by entities such as Independent Health and the Capital District Physicians Health Plan. Public investments include both direct funding to program startup, as well as indirect investments by cities and regional planning organizations including commitment of the public right-of-way and in-kind time around the planning and launch of these programs. The nexus of stakeholders and partners created by this project is poised to move forward as a growing community, thanks to the seed investment provided through this project. The result of this has been 17,000 fewer metric tons (MT) of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions during the project timeframe and an additional 14,000 MT projected for the next two years. In addition, the contractor has hosted three convenings with 240 attendees in total that have brought together stakeholders and industry leaders to formulate solutions and exchange ideas for their own communities.
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