Identification of Low Growing, Salt Tolerant Turfgrass Species Suitable for Use along Highway Right of Way – Field Trials
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Edition:SPR-B Final Report (December 2016-December 2019)
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Abstract:Three roadside trials were established in western MD, central MD, and eastern shore, to identify grass species that require little maintenance yet perform well. Each trial was composed of the same 12 treatments, including an unplanted control, the MDOT SHA turfgrass seed mix, several tall and fine fescue treatments, and several native grass treatments. Fescue treatments established dominance and were competitive against weeds only in western MD. Tall fescue established better and was more resilient to roadside disturbances than hard fescue. However, a 20% tall and 80% fine fescue mix established just as well as the MDOT SHA turfgrass seed mix at one-third the seeding rate. Upland bentgrass (Agrostis perennans) contributed to cover and biomass of plots in western MD although it established slowly and was sensitive to salt grit. In central MD, side-oats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula) established quickly and produced consistent high coverage that was similar to the best performing tall fescue cultivars Mustang 4 and Titanium 2LS and better than the MDOT SHA turfgrass seed mix in summer. Weeds minimally invaded plots of side-oats grama. Purple lovegrass (Eragrostis spectabilis) also established well in central MD but because the vegetative growth habit of the species is inconspicuous, its excellent establishment was only evident when it produced its conspicuous inflorescences. No fescues or native grass species established dominance in the eastern shore trial and grass weeds soon dominated the site. Additional research on side-oats grama could include experimenting with seeding rates, timing of seeding, mowing regime, and genetic sources.
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