The Interoperability of Computer-Aided Design and Geographic Information Systems in Transportation: Case Studies of Select Transportation Agencies
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:In the transportation sector, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have long been used for planning and landscape-scale analysis, while computer-aided design (CAD) systems support the design and engineering functions of transportation delivery. The formats and tools associated with each computing environment are different and often separate; however, GIS and CAD complement each other by encompassing the full range of scales at which a transportation agency conducts its business. In order to better link the information that traditionally resides in these respective computing environments, agencies are currently pursuing various approaches at increasing the interoperability of GIS and CAD data and applications. To explore the status of GIS and CAD interoperability in the transportation field, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) sponsored a peer exchange on April 16-17, 2013, in Annapolis, Maryland. The peer exchange convened two State transportation agencies, one county highway department, and a regional transportation authority that have developed or used GIS-CAD interoperability tools and approaches. Prior to the peer exchange, the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center), in coordination with FHWA, conducted telephone discussions with these State DOTs and agencies in order to gain an initial understanding of how agencies are pursuing GIS-CAD interoperability. Case studies summarizing these DOTs' efforts were then developed and used to structure the peer exchange agenda. This report, which synthesizes the case studies and describes overall observations, is expected to support GIS and CAD practitioners by providing examples of noteworthy practices, presenting the challenges of GIS-CAD interoperability solutions, and determining how these efforts might support planning, decision-making, and asset management.
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