Study Design to Evaluate Mobile Source Air Toxics Compounds in the Near-Roadway Environment
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Abstract:In June of 2005, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) entered into an agreement to study the emissions of several air toxics compounds emitted by vehicles in close proximity to roadways. This study is based on several studies, which have shown that the concentrations of some emissions return to background concentrations within 1000 feet from roadways. The purpose of the Federal Highway study is to verify this finding for five air toxic compounds and diesel particulate matter identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in its 2001 Mobile Source Air Toxics Rule. The study initially will establish a method or protocol for conducting characterization studies of the dispersion of air toxics near highways. The information to be obtained includes ambient air quality concentrations for benzene, 1,3-butadiene, acetaldehyde, acrolein, formaldehyde, particulate matter and meteorological data. In addition to the air quality data, highway vehicle data will also be collected to identify the volume and types of vehicles generating the emissions contributing to the ambient air concentrations. The study will examine the variability of MSAT concentrations during the year. Other parameters will also be investigated including background concentrations and affects of geographic influences. The study will be conducted at three different geographical sites to study the seasonal, meteorological, and traffic variability associated with MSAT emissions. The goal of conducting these studies is to try to assess the contribution of vehicles in the near road environment to air toxic compound concentrations. Studies such as this can be used to determine the impacts and develop control strategies to mitigate the influence vehicle emissions will have on the environment close to roadways.
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