Highway Safety Manual Training
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Edition:Final Report (December 2018 – May 2020)
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Abstract:Safety has become an area of increasing focus in all aspects of transportation planning, design, construction, and operations. Transportation legislations, such as the SAFETEA-LU Act (2005) and the FAST Act (2015), have promoted data-driven safety analysis in various programs. The publication of the Highway Safety Manual (2010) and the Supplement (2014) have standardized data-driven safety methodology and developed related tools such as spreadsheets and the ISATe (Enhanced Interchange Safety Analysis Toolbox). The demand for knowledge and experience in data-driven safety analysis has been increasing. This report documents a project to produce data-driven safety training for MoDOT trainers. The project developed two training deliverables. The first is a full-day training for safety staff and engineers. This training covers the fundamentals of data-driven safety, rural multilane divided highways, urban/suburban 4-leg signalized intersections, urban 4-lane freeway segments, and four sample applications: design exception, traffic impact study, design build, and safety programming. The second was a 15-minute video that presents an overview of data-driven safety and is suitable for staff at various levels, even those without formal safety training. A goal of this project is to produce flexible training materials that can meet the training needs of various MoDOT districts and divisions.
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