Development of Biological Control of Introduced Phragmites Australis
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Edition:Final report
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Abstract:A project to assess the feasibility for development of biocontrol for invasive introduced P. australis was funded by a consortium of federal and state agencies since 1998. The contract with the New York State Department of Transportation (NY DOT) was a continuation of this work with a particular focus on host specificity testing. The work program had the following objective: (1) host specificity screening of select potential biocontrol agents; (2) selection and establishment of future release sites; (3) development of a standardized monitoring protocol; (4) development of herbivore mass production techniques; (5) preparation of summary information to the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) and state agencies to obtain release permits; (6) release and distribution of control agents after approval; and (7) training of land managers in implementation of biocontrol of P. australis if approved. This final report summarizes accomplishment over the entire reporting period by objective but does not report detailed results covered in previous annual or quarterly reports.
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