Evaluate ODOT's Current Berm Compaction Process for Cost Effective Alternatives
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:This report summarizes the results of a research project that was completed to evaluate and analyze ODOT’s current berm construction/repair process and provide recommendations on how to improve the safety, productivity and cost effectiveness of this process. This project was divided into two phases. The results of Phase 1 indicated that the main cause for the frequent berm reconditioning/repair is the erosion of the berm materials. The high stresses applied by oil and gas industry trucks as well as the very narrow width have accelerated the erosion of berms in ODOT Monroe County. Phase 1 also identified new equipment and materials that can help in improving the berm resistance to erosion and rutting and can enhance their performance and service life. Phase 2 of this study examined the improvement in berm performance and service life when using the different alternative materials and methods identified in Phase 1 for establishing berm materials, and evaluated the cost-effectiveness of these alternatives. The results of the Phase 2 indicated that the use of alternative materials and methods significantly improved the service life of berms. The highest improvement was achieved when using heated RAP or emulsified RAP materials. In addition, all alternative berm materials/methods resulted in significantly reducing the annual cost of berms. The highest cost benefits were obtained when heated RAP or emulsified RAP materials were used as berm materials. Based on the results of the of this study, recommendations for the alternative materials and methods for establishing or repairing berms were provided.
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