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Abstract:The increased importance of truck activity in both transportation engineering and planning
has created a need for truck-oriented analytical tools. A particular planning need is for trip
generation data that can be used to estimate truck traffic patterns, beginning with the ability
to estimate truck trips generated by a variety of common land uses. However, the current
state of the practice in truck trip generation data falls short of the needs of today’s transportation engineers and transportation planners. The objective of this synthesis report is to identify available truck trip generation data and provide an assessment of the current state of the practice. The synthesis begins by identifying the needs for and uses of truck trip generation data. In each case, the critical issues and problems associated with meeting these needs are defined and discussed. The needs of transportation engineers, travel demand modelers, and state and regional transportation planners for truck trip generation data vary considerably. This synthesis report attempts to provide a balanced assessment of the state of the practice in truck trip generation data for all different groups of practitioners. The data collected in the study are summarized and presented in appendixes for use by other practitioners. A summary of key issues that affect the collection and use of truck trip
generation data is presented and the state of the practice is assessed with reference to these
issues. There are a number of factors that affect the form of truck trip generation data and how they are developed. These factors include: • Uses of truck trip generation data. • Trip purposes/classification of trip generation activities. • Independent variables.
• Estimation techniques. • Methods of data collection.
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