Evaluation of TxDOT'S traffic data collection and load forecasting process
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Edition:Research: February 1998-August 2000
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Abstract:This study had two primary objectives: (1) compare current Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) procedures and protocols with the state-of-the-practice and the needs of its data customers; and (2) develop enhanced traffic collection, archival, analysis, forecasting, and reporting methodologies. TxDOT has been concerned about the process, consistency, accuracy, and timeliness of traffuc load forecast estimates for pavement design. Elements not adequately accounted for in TxDOT's traffic load forecasting process included overweight vehicles, special permits, super single tires, and spread axles. There was also concern about adopting a proposed process for determining pavement damage based on load spectra as opposed to equivalent single axle loads. the research included a literature review and an evaluation of state-of-the-practice for traffic data collection equipment, data collection and archiving protocols, forecasting methodologies, and reporting methods.
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