NHTSA data reference guide version 4.b. Volume 2, biomechanical tests
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NHTSA data reference guide version 4.b. Volume 2, biomechanical tests

Filetype[PDF-726.67 KB]



  • Alternative Title:
    NHTSA biomechanics data reference guide
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  • Abstract:
    This guide documents the format of media (3.5 inch high density diskettes or CD-ROMs) to

    be submitted to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for

    biomechanical tests. This guide is designated Volume II. NHTSA Data Reference Guide

    (Biomechanical). Three other volumes exist; they correspond to the other NHTSA

    databases: I. NHTSA Data Reference Guide (Vehicle), III. NHTSA Data Reference Guide

    (Component), and IV. NHTSA Data Reference Guide (Signal Waveform Generator).

    While the four databases are similar, they differ significantly as well. Your data submission

    will be returned as unacceptable if you submit data in the wrong format for a particular data


    The first step in creating a data submission is to determine which section of the guide

    (vehicle crash tests, biomechanics tests, component tests, or signal waveform generator

    tests) to use. The surest method of determining which section is appropriate for your use is

    to check with the Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (COTR) who should be

    able to identify the appropriate data base format. The following guidelines will help to

    explain the differences between the four data bases.

    Information in the vehicle data base relates to the performance and response of vehicles and

    other structures in impacts.

    The biomechanics data base contains information used

    (1) to evaluate human impact response,

    (2) to evaluate prototype dummy designs, or

    (3) to evaluate standard dummy designs in new impact environments.

    A component test identifies a specific vehicle component and/or dummy part and

    summarizes test conditions. Component tests are conducted on various internal or external

    components of automobiles to provide force deflection or time series data for use in

    computer simulation models available to NHTSA.

    Information in the signal waveform generator data base relates to the evaluation of data

    acquisition systems at sites performing vehicle crash and biomechanics tests.

    A biomechanics test always has exactly one occupant; a vehicle test may have zero

    occupants or many occupants but normally utilizes dummy (occupant) parts.

    Raw data is required unless submission of filtered data is authorized by the Contracting

    Officer’s Technical Representative (COTR).

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