High Performance Steel Designer's Guide
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Edition:Second Edition
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Abstract:In 1994, a cooperative research program between the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the U.S. Navy and the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) was launched to develop high performance steels for bridges. A Steering Committee of experts from FHWA, Navy, AISI, and plate producing member companies, steel fabricators and American Welding Society (AWS) was formed to oversee and guide the research. The initial research program was to develop HPS 70W and HPS 100W, weathering steel grades, with toughness Zone 3 requirements, and with significant improvement in weldability [1]. With the successful use of HPS 70W, bridge engineers are requesting an HPS version of 50W grade steel. They are interested in the higher toughness and improved weldability. HPS 50W and HPS 70W grades are now commercially available and the HPS 100W is in development. This HPS Designers' Guide only covers HPS 50W and HPS 70W. HPS 70W has been most extensively researched, tested and used to date. As of this writing, a total of about 21 HPS 70W steel bridges are in service and 13 more bridges are in various stages of construction nationally. Many are ready for construction, being designed and in the planning stage. HPS 50W is only available and used recently
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