Curved Steel Bridge Research Project: I-Girder Bending Component Test – Philosophy and Design of the I-Girder Bending Component Tests
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Abstract:This report describes the I-girder bending component tests that were conducted as part of the CSBRP. It covers in full detail the philosophy, design, fabrication and set-up of these tests. Appendices A and B of this report were developed based on early work as part of an initial work plan for the project. This initial work plan was later scaled down due to budgetary and time constraints. In this work, detailed elastic analyses were carried out on the preliminary concept for the simple span horizontally curved I-girder bridge that served as the test frame for the component specimen testing. Appendix A presents a comparison of selected analysis results for the bridge obtained using four different commercially available software packages. Appendix B presents the results of BSDI 3D System analyses of variations to the base model. Specifically, variations to the base model were made to determine the effects of cross-frame type, cross-frame spacing, radius, skew and bearing orientation. Of particular interest is the study on the effects of skew contained in Appendix B. This study focused on the effect of skew on vertical bending moments, vertical deflections, lateral flange bending moments and cross-frame forces in the region of the skewed support. The presence of girder end moments at a simple skewed support is illustrated. It is shown that these moments are due to the net longitudinal components of the forces in the skewed end-support cross frame. The effect of cross frame removal in the region of the skewed support is also examined.
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