Origin and destination survey results for the Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority
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Abstract:This report describes the design, administration, and analysis of the Origin/Destination survey of users of the Orlando-Orange County Expressway System. The basic survey form consisted of a letter-sized paper with the questionnaire on one side and a return address, cover letter, and title on the other side. The questionnaire has 13 questions that cover trip purpose, time, frequency, vehicle occupancy, trip origin, trip destination, off/on ramps, and some of the trip-maker characteristics. These trip-maker characteristics are occupation, age, and income. the survey was also published on the World Wide Web at www.catss.ucf.edu/survey. A totle of 180,000 surveys were sscheduled for distribution. The survey distribution was scheduled starting from november 2nd through November 21st. The survey distribution was planned over three major periods on the weekdays: morning peak period (7:00 AM - 9:00 AM), off-peak period (12:00 PM - 3:00 PM), and evening peak period (4:00 PM - 7:00 PM). For the weekdays the survey was carried out over one period from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM. A total of 167,149 surveys were at the ten mainline toll plazas and the eastbound Conway Ramp Plaza (to account for vehicles coming from I-4 and exiting at Conway), and mailed to E-Pass users. for non E-Pass customers, 100,950 survey forms were distributed. For E-Pass users, 66,189 surveys were mailed to a random sample via bulk mail with a cover letter. This number represents approximately a third of the E-Pass users. A total of 21,137 responses were received, accounting for 12.7% response rate. The report includes a detailed analysis for trip characteristics, trip-maker characteristics, origin-destination patterns, and travel trends.
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