Proceedings from the Texas ITS data uses and archiving workshop
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Edition:Research: August 1998-September 1999
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Abstract:The "Texas ITS Data Uses and Archiving Workshop" was held November 10, 1998, in Austin, Texas, to
discuss issues and opportunities related to archiving data from intelligent transportation systems (ITS). The
workshop participants represented several of Texas’ urban areas (Austin, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Houston, and
San Antonio) as well as many different disciplines within transportation, including planning, system
operations and management, system integration, research and evaluation, emergency management, and air
quality analysis.
The purpose of the workshop was threefold: 1) share information about ITS data archiving activities and
plans at the national level as well as within Texas’ major urban areas; 2) discuss common issues and areas of
concern related to ITS data archiving and data needs; and 3) identify common themes, best practices, and
issues that need be addressed. Technical presentations at the workshop focused on the following topics: 1)
national activities related to the archived data user service (ADUS), traffic management data dictionary
(TMDD), and the national data registry; 2) state activities related to ITS architecture, statewide system
integration, and the information sharing policy; 3) data archiving and management approaches at several
TxDOT districts; and 4) planning data collection practices and needs. Break-out discussion groups covered
the topics of data user groups and needs, data warehousing technology, and data standards.
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