Denver International Airport sensor processing and database
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Abstract:Data processing and database design is described for an instrumentation system installed on runway 34R at Denver International Airport (DIA). Static (low-speed) and dynamic (high-speed) sensors are installed in the pavement. The static sensors include thermistors, resistivity probes, time domain reflectometer (TDR) moisture gages, strain gages, and joint gages sampled at a rate of once per hour. Dynamic sensors include infrared (IR) position sensors, multidepth deflectometers, strain gages, and geophones sampled at approximately 160Hz. Data processing is performed on a personal computer and consists of reading the raw data files, conversion to engineering units, formatting for storage in the database, and conversion to Structural Query Language (SQL) statements for loading the databse. Peak values in the dynamic sensor records are automatically compputed. The database is implemented in ORacle on a Unix-based workstation. The data structure for storing data from the dynamic sensors is based on single aircraft events consisting of all data collected during the passage of a single aircraft over the section of instrumented pavement.
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