Annual Energy Outlook 1998: With Projections to 2020
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Abstract:The analysis in AEO98 focuses primarily on a reference case and four other cases that assume higher and lower economic growth and higher and lower world oil prices than in the reference case. Forecast tables for these cases are provided in Appendixes A through C. Appendixes D and E present a summary of the reference case forecasts in units of oil equivalence and household energy expenditures. Other cases explore the impacts of varying key assumptions in NEMS—generally, technology penetration. The major results are shown in Appendix F. Appendix G briefly describes NEMS and the AEO98 assumptions, with a summary table of the cases. Appendix H provides tables of energy and metric conversion factors. AEO98, the detailed assumptions, and supplementary tables will be available on the EIA Home Page and on CD-ROM.
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