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Abstract:Connected vehicle technologies have been tested and deployed for several types of applications. One category is related to communications among vehicles and fixed infrastructure of roadside units to enhance road safety by avoiding crashes or mitigating the severity of accidents. On the other hand, non safety-critical applications may range from mobility enhancement such as congestion management, map downloads and updates, to Internet services such as video streaming, file sharing and messaging among car passengers. Connected vehicles form mesh networks of short-range connections among vehicles and between vehicles and roadside units. These connections are collectively referred to as vehicle-to-everything, or V2X. The long-term goal of this research is to provide credible and quantitative results that shed light on the most cost-effective strategies for wireless smart city technology, infrastructure and spectrum to support connected vehicles. During this project (# 173) the authors have addressed major issues that recently arose in the connected vehicle landscape regarding proposed rules for spectrum allocation and sharing (with and without a mandate to deploy V2X devices in cars). Moreover, to help municipalities decide which technology to deploy, the authors are doing work on the impact of the performance of V2X applications, and how V2X performance is affected by different V2X technologies and design choices. Technologies include dedicated short range communications (DSRC), which is the technology that has been considered and evaluated by the U.S. DOT for the last several years, and the emerging cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) technology. The general method is threefold: (1) collect extensive data from large connected vehicle deployments in the U.S. and Europe, (2) run detailed packet-level network simulation, and (3) develop extensive engineering-economic models to estimate performance, and sometimes relate that performance to costs, of different deployment strategies related to spectrum and V2X technology choices.
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