Highway Safety Information System Guidebook for the Maine State Data Files. Volume 1: SAS File Formats
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Abstract:Maine's basic TINIS (Transportation Integrated Network Information System) brings together information data concerning accidents, road inventory, bridges, railroads, and project history/maintenance type information. Unlike other Highway Safety Information System (HSIS) states in which the linkage variable is some form of route-milepoint, the Maine system is a county/link-node system in which a six-digit code defines a specific node (e.g., an Intersection, bridge, or other boundary) in a specific county. Each roadway section, or "link," is then defined by the node numbers at each end. This report, Volume I: SAS File Formats, contains the following: Introduction; Details of Major Files; Maine Contacts; Composite List of Variables; Accident Files (Accident Subfile, Vehicle Subfile, and Occupant Subfile); Link Records File; Node Records File; and Interchange File. The Single Variable Tabulations are found in Volume II of this report.
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