Analysis of stated preference survey data for river-crossing travel behavior in the Portland/Vancouver metropolitan area
By Kim, Shinwon
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Abstract:The MPO in the Southwest Washington and Oregon initiated a major activity and travel behavior survey from the Spring of 1994 to the Fall 1994, including the Stated Preference survey for river-crossing trip behavior. The purpose of the survey is to gain an in-depth understanding of the activities and travel behavior of households as well as individuals within the households in order to build an activity-based travel behavior model. Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council (RTC) as an MPO in the Southwest Washington region used Metro's Travel Forecasting Model as a part of mutual efforts to keep regional consistency in travel forecasting process. The travel model seems unable to explain the river-crossing travel pattern and demand between the Vancouver area and the Portland area, where two areas are located in two different states and accessed only by two interstate freeway bridges. As an example, the travel model overestimates the home-based work trips by 40 to 50 percent, while it underestimates the home-based other and non-home-based non-work trips especially from the Vancouver area to Portland CBD by 30 to 200 percent. In this situation, it is necessary to explore residents travel behavior beyond the framework the conventional travel model can handle. The State Preference methodology is applied to this analysis to identify factors or attributes that affect the residents of the Vancouver/Portland in their river-crossing trip decision process. Although the Portland and Vancouver are in the same metropolitan area, there are significant differences between the two areas in tax structures, social and cultural aspects. In developing the Stated Preference Survey, the experimental orthogonal design methodology was used. Attributes considered in this analysis include property tax, state income tax, sales tax, vehicle registration, property value, rent, school quality, travel time, tool, shopping opportunities, specialty stores, restaurant, and special attractions. The Stated Preference Survey was completed with the 378 respondents in the Vancouver area and the 150 respondents in the Portland area. These sample households were selected from those who completed the Revealed Preference Survey. In this analysis, the discrete data conjoint method is used in developing the multinomial logit model with a fractional factorial experimental design to estimate elasticity of varying levels of attributes. Tables, 14 p.
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