Understanding Perceptions of Transportation for Livable Communities
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Edition:Year 25 Final Report
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Abstract:While access to transportation is a key factor driving utilization, attitudes and perceptions toward public transportation may also influence use. This study will investigate the pain points and difficulties people have accessing and using public transportation in their communities. Results of this survey will begin to illustrate specific characteristics of public transportation that may lead to lower utilization and can provide a starting point for future research aimed at developing recommendations for urban planners and local transportation authorities. While transportation remains a critical factor for well-being, especially as people age, the extent to which transportation is factored into decision making is unclear. One example is the decision around relocation. Many factors influence where and when people choose to relocate including proximity to friends, family and coworkers (Wang et al., 2016; Ioannides & Zabel, 2008), climate (Dorfman & Mandich, 2015) and access to job opportunities (Mulder & Hooimeijer, 1999). However, little research has examined the role of transportation options and access when making relocation decisions. This research examines, how people across generations perceive and utilize various forms of transportation. More specifically, study results illuminate how and when individuals utilize various modes of transportation and their attitudes toward different forms of public transportation. This study also investigates the expectations individuals have on the role of transportation in their future lives.
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