FHWA Computation Procedure for Travel Time Based and Percent Non-Single Occupancy Vehicle (non-SOV) Travel Performance Measures
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Abstract:This report presents the steps for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to compute measures for the purpose of determining whether a State Department of Transportation (DOT) has made significant progress towards the achievement of its National Highway Performance Program and National Highway Freight Program targets (23 CFR 490.109). While designed for internal use, FHWA is making the document public, to be transparent and give State DOTs a frame of reference when establishing their targets. Also, the targets for the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) traffic congestion measures [Annual Hours of Peak Hour Excessive Delay Per Capita measure (PHED measure) and Non-Single Occupant Vehicle (Non-SOV) Travel measure] are not subjected to FHWA significant progress determination under 23 CFR 490.109. The FHWA, however, plans to compute the PHED measure and Non-SOV Travel measure (using the method described in this document) for each applicable urbanized area and plans to make them available to the State DOTs to ensure consistency in measure computation process.
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