Intersection Collision Avoidance Using ITS Countermeasures. Final Report. Performance Guidelines
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Edition:Final September 30, 1993 - September 29, 2000
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Abstract:The Intersection Collision Avoidance Using ITS Countermeasures Program was developed to address the intersection crash problem and apply technology to prevent or reduce the severity of intersection crashes. Phase I enumerated the magnitude of the intersection crash problem, defined four distinct intersection configurations, and proposed three countermeasure concepts: I) the Driver Advisory System (DAS), 2) the Defensive System, and 3) the Communication System. The DAS was equipped with the sensor and vehicle control systems required to identify driver errors, and to act through direct vehicle control to prevent the crash. The Defensive System was similar to the DAS, but lacked the vehicle control technology to affect vehicle state. This system relied on the driver reacting positively to the warning provided by the countermeasure. The third system, the Communication System, required that all vehicles on the road be equipped with a transponder system communicating with a intersection controller. Two of these concepts, the DAS and the Defensive systems were developed further in Phase IL The efforts in Phase II culminated in the design of an Intersection Collision Avoidance Testbed vehicle. Phase III saw the construction and testing of the Intersection Collision Avoidance Testbed vehicle. Extensive testing of the vehicle-based system, which contained a Geographical Information System/ Differential Global Position System, was performed to determine system operating characteristics. Testing results, as well as intersection collision avoidance system performance guidelines, are documented in this report.
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