Precast Bent System for High Seismic Regions, Appendix C: Design Example No. 2
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Abstract:The final report that accompanies this appendix is a technical resource that provides background information on the use of a precast bent system for use in high seismic regions. The system is designed for, and intended to be used with, prestressed girder bridges that are built integrally with the supporting intermediate piers. This appendix (Appendix C) is the second of two design examples that were prepared to guide engineers through the application of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Seismic Guide Specifications to the Highways for LIFE precast bridge bent system, along with the supplemental design provisions that have been proposed as an appendix to the AASHTO Seismic Guide Specifications. Particular emphasis is given to the design and detailing of the connections between precast elements to ensure ductile energy dissipating behavior within the plastic hinge regions of the columns and capacity protection throughout the remainder of the structure. This design example uses an actual bridge recently designed by Washington State Department of Transportation, the US 101 Bone River Bridge replacement near Raymond. The new bridge will be a three-span structure, with the two-column intermediate bents and the short-stem seat abutments each supported by two oversized pile shaft foundations. The superstructure will consist of four prestressed concrete wide flange girders that will be made continuous at the integral dropped cap beam at the intermediate piers. The precast concrete columns were connected to the pile shaft foundations using a socket connection similar to the large-scale laboratory tests described in the final project report.
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