Business and Commute Optimization System: Development and Denver-based Case Study
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Abstract:Mitigating traffic congestion and reducing transportation emissions are among the leading goals of most local, regional, national, and international agencies. Several guidelines rely primarily on strategies that support the following: 1) mixed land-use and transit-oriented developments, 2) multimodal transportation systems, and 3) design of active transportation-friendly environments. While these approaches have successfully contributed to the reduction of transportation Green House Gas (GHG) and air pollution emissions, this research proposes to develop an innovative system that can add further improvements and provide more effective and individualized action plans. Specifically, this project focuses on developing and implementing a new system to identify the optimal selection of business commute alternatives to minimize negative environmental impacts, as well as commuting time and cost for commuters in Denver and, eventually, the United States. The project report is organized in three sections that focus on the following: 1) exploring student commute behavior at two universities and identifying opportunities to minimize commute GHG and air pollution emissions; 2) identifying optimal trade-offs of time and environmental impacts for businesses commuters; and 3) identifying the optimal selection of commuting alternatives for business employees in order to minimize GHG and air pollution emissions as well as commuting time and cost.
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