Recurring Traffic Bottlenecks: A Primer Focus on Low-Cost Operational Improvements
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Edition:Fourth Edition
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Abstract:While many of the nation's bottlenecks are addressed through costly major construction projects (i.e., "megaprojects") or costly transportation alternative solutions (e.g., high occupancy vehicle (HOV) or high occupancy toll (HOT) lanes, dynamic pricing, investments in transit alternatives, parking and commuter incentive programs, etc.) there is a significant opportunity for the greater application of operational and low-cost "fixes" at spot-specific locations. This primer is the signature product of the Localized Bottleneck Reduction (LBR) Program, which is administered out of the Office of Operations at the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) headquarters in Washington, D.C. The LBR program is focused on relieving recurring congestion chokepoints (as opposed to nonrecurring congestion causes) and the operational influences that cause them with lower cost, less intensive means. This is the updated, fourth edition of this primer. The first version is FHWA-HOP-07-130, the second version is FHWA-HOP-09-037, and the third version is FHWA-HOP-12-012. The first and second editions of this primer introduced, and then raised awareness about, how LBR strategies could deal with congestion, respectively. The third edition focused on providing highly specific guidance for agencies to follow in developing and advancing LBR programs. This fourth edition builds upon and updates the previous editions with recent advances in innovative research and additional case studies of implementing LBR strategies.
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