The Use of an Objectives-Driven, Performance-Based Approach at the Champaign County Regional Planning Commission
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Abstract:The Champaign Urbana Urbanized Area Transportation Study (CUUATS) serves as the transportation-focused arm of region's metropolitan planning organization (MPO), the Champaign County Regional Planning Commission (CCRPC), for the Champaign-Urbana Urbanized Area. CUUATS has adopted an objectives-driven, performance-based approach to metropolitan transportation planning that is evident throughout its recent plan, Choices 2035. Through the development of Choices 2035, CUUATS and its planning partners defined 12 regional goals, several of which tie directly to improving transportation systems management and operations (M&O). Specific objectives were identified to support each of the 12 regional goals. For each objective, measures of effectiveness to track progress toward the objective and recommended actions were identified. The plan includes an evaluation of whether the prior plan objectives were met using established measures of effectiveness (MOEs). CUUATS has witnessed a number of positive outcomes as a result of instituting an objectives-driven, performance-based approach to planning, including increased public engagement, a greater level of government accountability, and a safer, more bike-friendly community.
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