Technical Strategy for the Management of INEEL Spent Nuclear Fuel. Volume 1
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Abstract:The Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) has been a center of nuclear technology in the United States for over half a century, supporting the national defense in the development of Naval nuclear submarine and surface vessel propulsion systems, as well as in civilian and military nuclear applications. INEEL is operated by various contractor organizations under the direction of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). A substantial part of the work done at INEEL involves use or testing of nuclear fuel from various sources. Fuel that has been withdrawn from a nuclear reactor following irradiation is called spent nuclear fuel (SNF). In years past SNF generated at INEEL or received from off-site sources would be processed. However, fuel processing capability at INEL was shut down in 1992 and some SNF remains in storage today. In June 1996, DOE assembled a group of specialists in SNF matters - the INEEL Spent Nuclear Fuel Task Team - to evaluate the situation at INEEL and develop a technical strategy for INEEL SNF, including stabilization (as required), near term storage, packaging, transport and ultimate disposal. The Team's work is intended to supplement existing baseline and ten-year plans by providing conceptual strategies, identifying necessary further study, and other actions. This is a report of the evaluations, findings and recommendations of the Task Team.
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