Synthesis of Congestion Pricing-Related Environmental Impact Analyses - Final Report
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Abstract:This report summarizes the state-of-the-practice and presents a recommended framework for before-after evaluations of the environmental impacts of congestion pricing projects, such as high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes and cordon or area pricing schemes. The report focuses on the three environmental impact areas that have been most commonly examined in such evaluations: air quality, noise, and environmental justice (sometimes referred to as equity). Since environmental impacts are a function of the travel impacts of congestion pricing projects, this report also examines state-of-the-practice regarding evaluation of travel impacts such as traffic, transit and travel behavior. The state-of-the-practice results are based primarily on a review of the published literature associated with eight congestion pricing study projects from around the world. A number of gaps in existing practice and understanding are identified and recommendations are provided to address those gaps.
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