Working Paper: National Costs of the Metropolitan ITS Infrastructure: Updated with 2002 Deployment Data
Alternative Title:Working paper : national costs of the metropolitan intelligent transportation systems infrastructure : updated with 2002 deployment data
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Edition:3rd revision
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Abstract:This working paper has been prepared to provide new estimates of the costs to deploy Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) infrastructure elements in the largest metropolitan areas in the United States. It builds upon estimates that were distributed in June 1995 by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Since 1995, new sources of ITS cost estimates have appeared. Hence, it is now useful to determine whether the national deployment cost estimate has changed appreciably. The working paper reflects the cost estimates to deploy ITS infrastructure based on 2002 deployment values. Updates to this working paper coincide with the results from tracking the deployment of ITS in the United States. To date deployment tracking data are available for 1997, 1999, 2000, and 2002. The original working paper (dated September 1999) was written to update the 1995 cost estimate and to develop estimates of the investments that must still be made using the 1997 deployment tracking results. Since that time, deployment tracking results from 1999 and 2000 have become available and incorporated into the first and second revisions of this working paper. With the 2002 deployment tracking data now available, it is time to update the national deployment cost estimate. As with previous revisions, the majority of the updates will be contained in the addendum.
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