Risk-based Life-Cycle Management of Deteriorating Bridges
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Edition:Final, March 2016 – September 2018
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Abstract:Bridges are subjected to continuous deterioration due to aging, mechanical stressors, and harsh environmental conditions. Among these threats, hydraulic-related ones are identified as the leading cause of bridge failure in United States. Failure or closure of the bridges can cause a significant drop in transportation system functionality and consequently leads to severe economic and social impacts. A proper maintenance and repair strategy for extending the service life of deteriorating bridges can be achieved through comprehensive risk-based approaches. Since flood frequency is expected to change as a result of global climate change, proper prediction of future flood hazard becomes an essential task. In addition, flood occurrence generally increases the rate of riverbed erosion, which causes the formation of scour and increases the risk of bridge failure. The scour formation highly depends on the type of bridge foundation and the river characteristics. This report presents an integrated probabilistic framework for quantifying the risk of bridge failure due to flood events considering climate change. An analytical model is integrated into a probabilistic simulation process to quantify the time-variant performance of bridge foundations under flood and flood induced scour. The effect of adopted global climate scenarios on the failure risk under flood exposure is also investigated.
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