Impact of Traffic Signal Controller Settings on the Use of Advanced Detection Devices
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Edition:Technical Report: September 2016–August 2018
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Abstract:Traffic signal settings have historically been developed using inductive loops as the predominant detection device. Detection technology has changed significantly over the years. This research studied the impact of controller settings on design and operations of a signalized intersection where traditional detection technology is not used. Researchers developed guidelines that will aid practitioners in choosing the controller settings for both new intersections and intersections where detection is being upgraded. Researchers conducted simulation studies to assess different controller settings. The aim of simulation was to find settings suitable for various detection needs, the detection technologies, and operational scenarios. Following are a few of the salient findings of this research: (1) A passage time of 1.5 seconds was found to be appropriate for optimum intersection delay and queue lengths. Low and moderate volumes are not sensitive for the passage times. (2) For high-speed approaches, when the stop bar and upstream detectors are on the same channel, a higher delay was experienced, more vehicles were trapped in the decision zone and more max-outs were experienced. (3) Detector switching results in lower delay only at high left turn volumes. (4) Radar detectors with continuous vehicle tracking perform better than induction loops.
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