Traffic Analysis Toolbox, Volume II: Decision Support Methodology for Selecting Traffic Analysis Tools (Report)
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Abstract:This report provides an overview of the role of traffic analysis tools in the transportation analysis process and provides a detailed decision support methodology for selecting the appropriate type of analysis tool for the job at hand. An introduction to the role of traffic analysis tools and tool categories is provided. A set of criteria for selecting the appropriate type of traffic analysis tool is described in detail and each tool category is scored as to its relevance to the criteria. The criteria include the analysis context, study area, facility type, travel mode, management strategy, traveler response, performance measures, and cost-effectiveness. A process and worksheets for an analyst to rate a tool category for a particular transportation analysis task are presented based on the criteria and the analyst's weighting of the criteria. Some challenges and limitations of the use of traffic analysis tools are provided. The appendices include: a) a summary of current limitations to the highway capacity manual (HCM) methodologies, b) tool category selection worksheets, c) worksheets for selecting an individual tool within a category, d) a list of recommended further reading, and e) a list of traffic analysis tools by category. This is the second volume in a series of volumes in the Traffic Analysis Toolbox. The other volumes currently in the Traffic Analysis Toolbox are: Volume I: Traffic Analysis Tools Primer (FHWA-HRT-04-038) Volume III: Guidelines for Applying Traffic Microsimulation Modeling Software (FHWA-HRT-04-040)
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