Improving FHWA's Ability to Assess Highway Infrastructure Health: Phase I Results
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Abstract:The objective of this study is to define a consistent and reliable method to document infrastructure health with a focus on pavements and bridges on the Interstate System (that can be expanded to the National Highway System) and to develop a framework for tools that can provide FHWA and State DOTs ready access to key information that will allow for better and more complete assessments of infrastructure health nationally. The goal of the proposed work is to evaluate how performance/condition data can be used for corridor and system management, and facilitate analysis of performance measures and system health for a multi-state Interstate highway corridor. Data quality and data collection differences between States are important issues to be addressed. This work will compliment efforts underway (i.e. such as FHWA's Pavement Health Tool initiative, AASHTO's Bridge element inspection manual, and various activities being undertaken by AASHTO's performance management Task Forces, and NCHRP) to develop improved methodologies that could be used as the basis for performance measurement within an infrastructure performance based program. Critical work areas within this project will better support FHWA and AASHTO's role in managing a performance based infrastructure program.
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