Development and Implementation of a Performance-Related Specification for I-65 Tennessee: Final Report
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Abstract:The development and implementation of a trial performance-related specification (PRS) for concrete pavement construction of I-65 near Nashville, TN, is documented. The work was performed under the FHWA's Concrete Pavement Technology Program Task 7: Field Trial of Performance-Related Specifications (PRS) for PCC Pavement, and was conducted in partnership with the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT). This project continued the field implementation of PRS for concrete pavement construction to more fully determine its benefits and deficiencies. The FHWA methodology (FHWA-RD-98-155, Guide to Developing Performance-Related Specifications) and software (PaveSpec 3.0) were used in developing the PRS. Construction went smoothly and following construction the results were evaluated. Quantitatively, the contractor achieved a higher than target quality PCC pavement as indicated by the level of incentive pay (106 percent average). An independent performance analysis showed that due to the higher quality achieved, the as-constructed pavement would have an increased life of approximately 14 percent. Thus, for an additional 6 percent incentive investment up front, an increased life of 14 percent is expected. Qualitatively, the following comments were representative of the TDOT staff: "The PRS pay factor would have been worth the effort spent achieving it." "Incentive promotes quality from contractors." "Ultimately it [quality] is up to the contractor and how well they build the road. I think it [PRS] gives the contractor a reason to work harder and do better." Comments from the contractor staff: PRS "promotes quality end product. Promotes payment for actual product received." Comments from the QC representative: PRS "would most likely reduce variability, thus increasing quality." "From testing and inspection viewpoint, don't think any more complicated than current specifications." Thus, for all stakeholders involved, the PRS trial project appears to be successful. Several good suggestions were also received to improve the PRS.
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