Development of the Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste Radioassay Data Quality Objectives: An Evaluation of RH-TRU Waste Inventories, Characteristics, Radioassay Methods and Capabilities
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Abstract:This report results from a task implemented in the fall of 1996 to assist the National Transuranic Program Office of the Department of Energy/ Carlsbad Area Office (DOE/CAO) in establishing data quality objectives (DQOs) for the radioassay of Remote-Handled Transuranic (RH-TRU) waste. As part of the task a draft report was submitted to DOE/CAO on Jan. 10, 1997. This report is being published as an ORNL Technical Memo to provide a referenceable document, to add information not included as part of the draft report previously submitted to DOE/CAO, and to incorporate comments from the RH-TRU sites throughout the complex. The DQO process is a methodical, seven-step approach for balancing decision uncertainty with available resources [EPA-I, DOE-EM-I]. Consistent with the DQO process, this report identifies regulatory drivers and practical issues of RH-TRU management; consolidates site-specific information on current RH-TRU management practices and plans, particularly as they apply to the radioassay of transuranic radionuclides; discusses the use of process knowledge and its role in RH-TRU radioassay; identifies previous, existing, and near-existing capabilities for radioassay; and proposes development needs that will allow for the final development of DQOs and corresponding Quality Assurance Objectives. This report pertains to radioassay issues only. This report is a compendium of information resulting from many sources, including discussions and visits with knowledgeable personnel at several DOE sites, the review of radioassay data submitted in the Baseline Inventory Report, rev. 3 [CAO-8]; and evaluation of radioanalytical methods used throughout the complex for measuring and reporting radionuclides.
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