Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2018 Research, Development & Technology Peer Exchange
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Edition:Final Report; April 2019
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Abstract:The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Research Program hosted a peer exchange on September 19-21, 2018, in Madison, Wisconsin. The peer exchange examined best practices for managing research as an asset; aligning research and innovation; and documenting and communicating the successes of research and innovation. The first two topics of this peer exchange were inspired by AASHTO’s Special Committee on Research and Innovation (SCORI) initiatives to integrate risk management and innovation into research project management. WisDOT’s ongoing desire for improved and integrated documentation and communication inspired the third. Representatives from four state transportation agencies (Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, Texas), the Transportation Research Board, and Federal Highway Administration joined WisDOT staff to share experiences relating to the three topics. WisDOT utilized TPF-5(301) Support Services for Peer Exchanges (led by Oregon DOT) for logistics, administrative assistance and facilitation, which were provided by Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI). This report presents the key observations from the peer exchange presentations and group discussions.
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