Anti-Drunk Driving Program Initiatives: A Prospect Assessment of Future Program Needs
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Abstract:The purpose of this project is to tracking them annually on a state-byreview what has occurred at the state state basis. The results of this and local level since the publication tracking appear in the chart on page of the Presidential Caannission's 11. report five years ago, to identify the countermeasures that have been Of the 19 crun , only implemented, the problems that have one - a minim= drinking age of 21 been encountered, and the programs has been implemented in all 50 that are still required to bring states. Between 1985-88, 26 states about further reductions in drank raised their minim= drinking age so driving crashes. In undertaking this that a national uniform minimum of 21 investigation of state and local now exists. Substantial progress activities, we sought to answer four also has been made in a number of questions: other areas. Since 1985, 38 states 1) To what extent have the have passed mandatory safety belt Presidential Catmission usage laws (although four states recommendations been implemented? Massachusetts, Nebraska, North Dakota 2) What obstacles have been and Oregon - subsequently repealed encountered in efforts to implement them), 21 states have passed victim drunk driving countenmeasures? compensation legislation, and 15 3) Haw can these obstacles be states have authorized administrative addressed and overccme? license suspensions for drivers who 4) What else is needed to bring about fail an alcohol breath test. (See further reductions in the incidence page 8, Tables 1 and 2) of drunk driving?
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