Non-Destructive Quantitative Residual Stress Assessment Tool
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Edition:Summary Report
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Abstract:Mechanical damage is the greatest global threat to pipeline integrity. The challenge was to develop and u9lize electromagne9c sensors to evaluate mechanical damage severity. G2MT demonstrated a unique next‐genera9on solu9on for pipeline integrity assessment. The residual stresses around mechanical damage (e.g. dents, gouges, and wrinkle bends) determines the speed of cracking and failure. G2MT’s quan9fied residual stress analysis provides an effec9ve method for real ‐9me assessment of the severity of the damage that will drama9cally improve pipeline repair and integrity management. G2MT achieved this goal by performing 3‐D residual stress measurements on different forms of mechanically damaged steel pipelines in comparison with neutron‐ based and destruc9ve tes9ng prac9ces.
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