2008 Bus Rapid Transit Vehicle Demand & Systems Analysis Update
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Abstract:The objective of this report is to reflect the state of the U.S. market demand for “BRT-heavy” vehicles and systems, with a focus on “BRT-heavy” vehicles and systems. It is the third is a series of market demand analyses and as such, charts the trends in this evolving market. Via phone interviews and electronic surveys of transit planners, and also via published reports from the transit properties and industry publications, the report compiles data about the quantities of vehicles, delivery timing, and vehicle preferences such as vehicle type, length, propulsion, image, and appearance, as well as supporting technologies such as signal priority. An aggregate view is developed about the features in bus rapid transit (BRT) vehicles and systems implied by the community transit plans now and in the near future. Implications are drawn from the community interviews and analysis results. What emerges is a perspective on the vehicle features desired to support BRT plans, the quantities and timing of vehicles with these features, and a set of proximate topics that may be important for future industry dialog.
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