The Basics First: Baltimore Regional Information Exchange System (IES)
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TRIS Online Accession Number:00793264
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Abstract:Many transportation planners and facility operators across the country face the same problem - the inability to access information about real-time conditions, planned events, and historical data in neighboring jurisdictions or other agencies. This common problem is being addressed in a recent project initiated by the Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC, staff to Baltimore's Metropolitan Planning Organization) and participating member agencies. In order for agencies to share relevant recurring and non-recurring incident information and other transportation-related information, procedures for sharing data and information must first be established. Initially, these procedures will be based on using existing forms of communication. A plan is being developed to gradually add electronic sophistication as time and budget allow. The first step in developing information sharing procedures was to conduct a survey to identify available and desired information, and data needs [electronic and non-electronic descriptions of equipment, procedures and events (recurring and non-recurring)]. The survey results have been used to match data needs with existing data exchange methodologies. In the near term, these methodologies include telephone, fax, electronic mail, and scheduled mailings, while mid- to long-term approaches include more automated systems (i.e., integrated computer exchange systems). Determining methodologies that allow tying these future high-tech systems into the architecture defined within the Maryland Statewide CHART II program is a major goal of the project.
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