Developing a Stabilized Public Transportation Revenue Source
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TRIS Online Accession Number:01044303
Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:The objective of this research was to explore new dedicated funding mechanisms for public transportation for the State of Arizona. The research work began with a search of the existing literature on the subject to determine what other studies had been done about this topic and what innovative financing methods had been discovered. A great deal of information was found addressing public transportation funding and unique funding methods used around the country. Most of the research indicated that various taxes, especially motor fuel tax, provided the majority of funding for public transportation thus far. One report in particular, the Survey of State Funding for Public Transportation 2005, published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), proved to be particularly informative. This report is published annually and surveys all 50 states and the District of Columbia for their public transportation funding methods. The literature review was followed by a survey that was sent to each of the 49 other state departments of transportation to further investigate the topic, determine if any programs were in use that were not included in the AASHTO survey, and if any other states had conducted studies on public transportation funding not discovered in the literature review. The survey also inquired about legislation that other states have used to secure funding for public transportation. The survey results were disappointing with very few responses regarding innovative programs or sources of funding. However, between the survey results and her own personal search, the researchers identified 23 pieces of relevant legislation, any of which could potentially serve as a model for future Arizona legislation. It would appear that innovative funding sources across the nation are very rare and often very personalized to the state affected. However, the researchers investigated the programs and legislation provided by the survey, along with what was found by their own research, in order to provide the most comprehensive report possible based on the limited response. The population and transportation needs for the State of Arizona will continue to increase significantly into the future. Finding a dedicated revenue source is the most effective way of ensuring adequate funding for public transportation that will serve the needs of users. Researchers believe that implementation of one or more of the above potential options will lead to more revenue dedicated to public transportation for the State of Arizona.
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